My preparation for the project was to download SketchUp and work my way through the Google SketchUp tutorial videos - the videos are a fantastic starting point and very well put together. I was also helped by Simon Haughton (@simonhaughton) pointing me in the direction of his blog post which has some lesson ideas and instructions for building a simple house.
In the first lesson, the main objective was to get the children familiar with what Google SketchUp was, and to introduce the Orbit, Pan and Zoom tools to the children, as being able to navigate accurately around your 3D models is such an important part of modelling. To do this, the teacher encouraged the children to open up a model of the mask of Tutankhamen, as this linked with the topic of the eventual final piece - a recreation of Tutankhamen's tomb - and just navigate around it using the prescribed tools.
Having done this, an Egyptian Tomb was looked at, again to give an idea of what can be achieved and to advance the level of navigation required to walk into rooms rather than just moving around an object - the zoom extents tool became very useful for this as it was easy to 'lose yourself'. Finally, a simple demonstration of the push/pull tool was given to show the development for the second session and strangely enough, led to an outbreak of houses being drawn - the activity for the second session!
Before the second session, many of the children had downloaded SketchUp at home and had already explored many of the tools, some even brought in pictures of houses they'd designed. Therefore, the session began with a recap of the previous tools and some examples of what had been created at home. Then the line draw and move tools were demonstrated as a way of creating a slanting roof - this is covered in both the tutorial videos and Simon's lesson plan. Pupils seemed amazed at how SketchUp was able to 'anticipate' what they were trying to do, snapping to edges, midpoints and to the 3 axis directions to help with accurate drawing. After the main structures were created, 2 further tools were demonstrated, the paint tool to create textures and translucent windows and the 3D warehouse to add models to the pupil's work. In little under an hour, every group was able to create a house and you can see the results below.
Before the second session, many of the children had downloaded SketchUp at home and had already explored many of the tools, some even brought in pictures of houses they'd designed. Therefore, the session began with a recap of the previous tools and some examples of what had been created at home. Then the line draw and move tools were demonstrated as a way of creating a slanting roof - this is covered in both the tutorial videos and Simon's lesson plan. Pupils seemed amazed at how SketchUp was able to 'anticipate' what they were trying to do, snapping to edges, midpoints and to the 3 axis directions to help with accurate drawing. After the main structures were created, 2 further tools were demonstrated, the paint tool to create textures and translucent windows and the 3D warehouse to add models to the pupil's work. In little under an hour, every group was able to create a house and you can see the results below.
The children are now going to move on to start to develop their Egyptian Tombs. The intention is to provide them with a 2D floor plan which they will turn into a 3D plan, and use the 3D warehouse to add appropriate items to the tombs. Once created, the pupils will use the fly-through tool to create 'tours' of their tombs which hopefully I'll be able to share with you in a later post. This project has really opened my eyes to the potential of Google SketchUp and I only hope that the recent announcement that SketchUp has been purchased by Trimble doesn't affect education's access to this useful and engaging tool.
Why is this the one session I missed, it looks fab!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going to be there for the next session and try to catch up!
Just to let you know, my presentation can be found at:
James Abela
Just to add, you can now see more resources on my Website at:
I hope this is useful.
I would like to teach Google SketchUp to my Year 9 students. I have looked at the online resources at Google. Do you have any recommendations for other training resources? Sue
ReplyDeleteThere's a nice scheme of work on for Year 8 that you might be able to adapt. Year 9 a little out of my comfort zone I'm afraid, I'm mainly primary but if I find anything else, will let you know.
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يعتبر الباركية من الأشياء الخاصة التي تميز منظر المنزل بشكل كامل لذلك تهتم شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض من الشركات الرائدة في مجال الخدمات الخاصة بتركيب الباركية، كما تهتم الشركة بتوفير جميع الخامات المميزة القادرة على توفير نتائج مميزة جدا، كما توفر شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض أفضل مجموعة من الفنيين والمهندسين المتخصصين في عملية التركيب على أعلى مستوى.
تركيب باركيه بالرياض
تركيب باركيه بالرياض توفر أنواع الباركية و الأرضيات الخشبية كما أنها توفر أيضاً خدماتها بعدد كبير من التصاميم الحديثة و العالمية الأنيقة و التي قد تصل إلى العديد من التصميمات الحديثة مع توفير خدمات تركيب وتلميع و صيانة الباركية وكذلك توفر الشركة أجود أنواع الأخشاب بما يتناسب مع حاجة العملاء و كذلك يتناسب مع مكان التركيب هذا بالإضافة إلى أنها توفر مختلف أنواع الستائر و كذلك أوراق الجدران وغيرها من العديد من الخدمات الديكورية الحديثة و يمكن التواصل مع تركيب باركيه بالرياض عن طريق خدمه العملاء المتوفرة لتسهيل عملية التواصل مع العميل ولسماع الشكاوى والمقترحات والاستفسارات اتصل بنا على الأرقام التالية.
شركة فك وتركيب غرف نوم بالرياض
ReplyDeleteتعتبر شركة فك وتركيب غرف نوم بالرياض من أشهر أنواع غرف النوم علي الإطلاق و نظراً لجمالها وأناقته فالعديد من العملاء يحبونه وشركتنا لديها خبرة واسعة في مجال تركيب و فك غرف النوم كما أنها تعطى العميل ضمان بجودة و سلامة التركيب او الفك وسوف يتم إرسال فريق عمل مكون من أكفأ الخبراء و النجارين و الفنيين المتخصصين في كافة الأمور المتعلقة بالنجارة كما أن الشركة تقوم أيضاً بفك و تركيب عرغ النوم القديمة أو المستعملة ليس هذا وحسب بل إن شركة فك وتركيب غرف نوم بالرياض تقوم أيضاً بتصليح و صيانة غرف النوم حيث أنها تمتلك العديد من ورش النجارة المجهزة بأفضل الأدوات و الأساليب العلمية و التقنيات المتطورة .
فني تركيب غرف نوم بالرياض
تتخصص فني تركيب غرف نوم بالرياض في إصلاح التلف وأي خدش فى اثاث ايكيا أو صيني ولدينا أيضاً فريق عمل متخصص وعلى معرفة عالية فى إصلاح الخدش حيث تقوم الشركة بتقديم دورات للعاملين بالشركة لتدريبهم على كيفية إصلاحها ومعالجة مشاكل الأثاث ولدينا فنيون متخصصون فى تركيب ايكيا تركيب سراير ايكيا طاولات ايكيا ودولاب ايكيا حيث تلعب الخبرة دور كبير فى عملية الحفاظ على رونق ونقاء الأثاث فى وحالتة الطبيعية ويوجد هناك فريق مختص بتركيب ايكيا بالكرتون فالأغراض الجديدة غير المستعملة تحتاج إلى خبير تركيب متخصص فى تركيب اثاث ايكيا وتعمل الشركة أيضاً على تجديد منتجاتها سنوياً اتصل بنا فوراً على.
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